
Forum de telechargement de musique
Forum de telechargement de musique

forum de telechargement de musique

  • Starts fast, very lightweight and can easily handle very large collections.
  • Musique is great for kids and other family members that may find other players too complex and cumbersome. Musique does its best to stay out of the way and keep you focused on the only thing that really matters: Music. I much prefer a simple, elegant and opinionated music player like Musique than an all-performing behemoth like iTunes. Ben Gįlavio, this player is just perfect, please don’t change a bit in it. Wow, with such an interface I am rediscovering my music library again and am happy about every piece of music for the second time. I tried a lot of audio players before, but when i started using musique realized it was all i needed.

    forum de telechargement de musique

    Its simple and makes me WANT to listen to music. It’s simple, and suits well for my library, and it seems pretty lightweight too! Adeįast, beautiful and useful ! That’s everything I need for my netbook, thank you ! Phoenamandre Thx for my new default music player :D Tim Kopplow This is the best music player I’ve used so far.

    forum de telechargement de musique

    The artist faces give it an extra thrust to its beauty. I found Musique a great but simply effective work, it gave me again the pleasure to listen music and discover unknown lyrics from songs that I heard a lot of times without understanding their whole text. ecoįor once a music player with a media library that doesn’t lag while viewing my library or searching! Having over 100,000 MP3s can be a strain on most players. Wow thank you so much for this awesome player I absolutely love it. Great app! I really like this efficient simplicity.

    Forum de telechargement de musique